Monday, 22 September 2014

Our generation in a swift!!

I was young and vulnerable and always thought straight caps, bucket hats, track pants etc was the 'ishhh', being a feleb and having all those hundred likes on Facebook was a good way to go. I always thought putting some ink on your body was something great until I realised all that its  trend that will just pass by, just a matter of time.

do not get it twisted, there is nothing wrong with what I mentioned. It is our generation, we have our own preferences and what we strive for. We have ladies whom in the near future we see as 'mothers of the nation'  but some look so lost with no plan for tomorrow. Yes I believe in cherishing the moment but what happens when that ONLY moment you cherished passes? nonetheless, it is our generation. We are 'fashionates' if I were to label ourselves. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. I believe in STYLE though.

What is STYLE? Snap backs and tattoos? No, a good job and nice suits. A career and self-respect. Fashion fades but style is eternal. Style is saying who you are without having to speak. Style is Letlhogonolo Legabe, image and identity is style. It is something you are born with. My Style is my innate ability that cannot be learned.


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Judge Masipa's verdict on Oscar's case.

Judge Masipa's verdict though? she was very lenient to an extent that she shocked most legal experts. However, now we have to go back and question our justice system, was the verdict fair for Oscar? I am pretty sure Oscar also thought he was going to serve a long sentence as he sold some of his valuable assets including the estate the 'whole drama' occurred. Judge Masipa I am quite certain that she will get a lot of criticism from the judiciary and the legal system for such a decision on a hardcore case. Even though Mr Pristorius might face charges of culpable homicide I think he got away easily with this one. Find the feeds on the below link.

Friday, 5 September 2014

What happened to your objection?

Sometimes we find ourselves unhappy in life because we chose to be comfortable with whatever that was put on our plates, what happened to your objection? At this very moment you are stuck with a job that you only occupying because it puts bread on your table, what happened to your objection? Someone from somewhere came to you, looked into your eyes and told you that you wont do it or you are not fit enough to do it but what happened to your objection?

 You know you are creative, full of brilliant ideas that might change your organisation or company or even your life for the better but you just sitting there doing nothing, what happened to your objection? Everyday you have doubts about going home because you have a spouse that abuses  you emotionally, physically and spiritually and you decide to keep quiet about it what happened to your objection? You find yourself surrounded by people who take decisions for you and always suppress you to impress others what happened to your objection? 

 A wise person once said 'our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate our biggest fear is that we powerful beyond measure'. You are you. We are all born with a certain purpose in life, you are responsible for your own happiness as much as you will be responsible for your failure should anything happen to your family, career or life as a whole. Sometimes we have to stand up and raise our voices, who knows your voice can be the voice that can change the nation. Do it for yourself, say what you want to say, do what you always wanted to do  and be proud of those moments because tomorrow is not promised.

Do not let anyone despise you, do not let anyone tell you you cannot do it, do not let anyone define you, do not let anyone take your crown. as Will Smith would say '  Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period'. have your own OBJECTION!!
